Chapter Eleven ============== Indian Ocean ------------ .. admonition:: Data files supplied for Chapter 11 exercises * WOA98_heavideci_basin_global_gridded_data: → * WOA98_heavydeci_Indian.poa * WOA_decimated_basin_global_gridded_data: → * WOA05_decimated_Indian.joa * WOA_basin_global_gridded_data: → * WOA05_Indian.joa * Indian sections: → * I04_I03_1995: → * I04_I03_1995_bottle.joa * I08S_I09N_2007: → * I8S_I9N_2007_clean_bottle.joa * I8S_I9N_2007_heavydeci_ctd.joa * I06S_2008: → * I06_2008_clean_CTD.joa * I06S_2008_clean_bottle.joa * I05_1987: → * I05_1987_bottle.joa * I09S_1995: → * I09S_1995_bottle.joa * I05_2009: → * I05_2009_clean_bottle.joa * I05_2009_clean_CTD.joa * I02_1995_1996: → * I02_1995_1996_bottle.joa * I04_I03_2003: → * I04_I03_2003_clean_bottle.joa * WOA_copies_of_Indian_sections: → * I8S_I9N_WOA05.joa * I01_1995: → * I01_1995_clean_bottle.joa * I04S_I07N_1995: → * I04S_I07N_1995_bottle.joa Download: :download:`Chapter 11 Data Files <./DPO_data_chapter_11.7z>` Goals ````` * Understand the water masses, circulation and other aspects of descriptive physical oceanography of the Indian Ocean & its marginal seas To accomplish this, one will: ````````````````````````````` * Learn to extract data subsets from map plots * Learn how to use advanced JOA tools for working with basin-scale data sets Tools ````` * JOA Section Editor * Interpolations Options dialog box .. figure:: figures/map_ind.png Fig 11i-01 Indian sections map DPO Chapter 11 Sections ``````````````````````` DPO JOA examples are available for the following **emphasized** sections: .. list-table:: :widths: 10, 90 * - **11.1** - **Introduction and overview** * - 11.2 - Wind and buoyancy forcing * - 11.2.1 - Mean wind forcing * - 11.2.2 - Monsoonal wind forcing * - 11.2.3 - Buoyancy forcing * - **11.3** - **Monsoonal and tropical ocean circulation** * - **11.4** - **South Indian Ocean subtropical circulation** * - **11.4.1** - **Subtropical gyre** * - **11.4.2** - **Agulhas Current and Retroflection** * - **11.4.3** - **Leeuwin Current** * - **11.5** - **Indonesian Throughflow** * - **11.6** - **Red Sea and Persian Gulf outflows** * - **11.7** - **Intermediate and deep circulation** * - **11.8** - **Water masses** * - **11.8.1** - **Upper ocean** * - **11.8.2** - **Intermediate waters** * - **11.8.3** - **Deep and bottom waters** * - 11.9 - Climate and the Indian Ocean