Chapter Three ============= Ocean dimensions, shapes and bottom materials --------------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e .. admonition:: Data files supplied for Chapter 3 exercises * A16S_2005_sta085_bottle.joa Download: :download:`Chapter 3 Data Files <./DPO_data_chapter_3.7z>` Goals ````` * Explore the physical and chemical characteristics of seawater * Understand parameters which are calculated from basic measured characteristics * Explore vertical distributions at a single location in the South Atlantic Ocean * Examine the regional variations in vertical distributions to be examined in later chapters. * Learn how to navigate plots To accomplish this, one will ```````````````````````````` * Open a station file * Create basic property-property plots * Create 4 parameter property-property graphs * Customize plots * Examine plots Tools ````` * JOA built in parameter calculator * JOA multiple x-axis parameter plotting capabilities DPO Chapter 3 Sections `````````````````````` DPO JOA examples are available for the following **emphasized** sections: .. list-table:: :widths: 10, 90 * - **3.1** - **Molecular properties of water** * - **3.2** - **Pressure** * - 3.3 - Thermal properties of seawater: temperature, heat and potential temperature * - 3.3.1 - Temperature * - 3.3.2 - Heat * - 3.3.3 - Potential temperature * - **3.4** - **Salinity and conductivity** * - **3.5** - **Density of seawater** * - 3.5.1 - Effects of temperature and salinity on density * - **3.5.2** - **Effect of pressure on density: potential density** * - **3.5.3** - **Specific volume and specific volume anomaly** * - **3.5.4** - **Effect of temperature and salinity on compressibility: potential and neutral density** * - 3.5.5 - Linearity and nonlinearity in the equation of state * - 3.5.6 - Static stability and Brunt-Väisälä frequency * - 3.5.7 - Freezing point of seawater * - 3.6 - Other characteristic properties of seawater * - **3.7** - **Sound in the sea** * - 3.8 - Light and the sea * - 3.8.1 - Optical properties * - 3.8.2 - Ocean color * - 3.9 - Ice in the sea * - 3.9.1 - Freezing process * - 3.9.2 - Brine rejection * - 3.9.3 - Density and thermodynamics of sea ice * - 3.9.4 - Mechanical properties of sea ice * - 3.9.5 - Types of sea ice * - 3.9.6 - Polynyas and leads * - 3.9.7 - Ice break-up