Chapter Four ============ Typical distributions of water characteristics ---------------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: 4a 4b 4c 4d .. admonition:: Data files supplied for Chapter 4 exercises * WOA05_surface.jos * WOA05_A16.joa * WOA05_I8S_I9N.joa * WOA09_P16.joa * A16_2003_2005_clean_cfc.joa Download: :download:`Chapter 4 Data Files <./DPO_data_chapter_4.7z>` .. note:: WOA05_surface.jos is a text data file (i.e., not JOA binary data files). This will be explained at the point where this file is used in the DPO JOA Examples. Goals ````` * Make a surface map colored by data points (WOA09) * Make a surface map with color contours (WOA09) * Make vertical sections * Learn how to have two or more data sets open at same time * Make vertical section of theta from WOA09, following A16 To accomplish this, one will ```````````````````````````` * Open and manage multiple data sets DPO Chapter 4 Sections `````````````````````` DPO JOA examples are available for the following **emphasized** sections: .. list-table:: :widths: 10, 90 * - **4.1** - **Introduction** * - **4.2** - **Temperature distribution of the oceans** * - **4.2.1** - **Surface temperature** * - **4.2.2** - **Upper layer temperature and mixed layer** * - **4.2.3** - **Thermocline, halocline and pycnocline** * - **4.2.4** - **Temporal variations of temperature in the upper layer and thermocline** * - **4.2.5** - **Deep water temperature and potential temperature** * - **4.2.6** - **Vertical sections of potential temperature** * - **4.3** - **Salinity distribution** * - **4.3.1** - **Surface salinity** * - 4.3.2 - Upper layer salinity * - 4.3.3 - Intermediate depth salinity * - 4.3.4 - Deep water salinity * - 4.3.5 - Temporal variations of salinity * - 4.3.6 - Volumetric distribution of potential temperature and salinity * - 4.4 - Density distribution * - 4.4.1 - Density at the sea surface and in the upper layer * - 4.4.2 - Pycnocline * - 4.4.3 - Depth distribution of potential density * - **4.5** - **Dissolved oxygen** * - 4.6 - Nutrients and other tracers * - **4.7** - **Age of ocean water** * - 4.8 - Optical properties of seawater