Chapter Six =========== Data analysis concepts and observational methods ------------------------------------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f .. admonition:: Data files supplied for Chapter 6 exercises * HOT_bottle_nutrient_data.joa * P16_2005_2006_clean_bottle.joa * WOA05_NorthAtlantic_square.joa * WOA09_P16.joa Download: :download:`Chapter 6 Data Files <./DPO_data_chapter_6.7z>` Goals ````` * Gain familiarity with useful oceanographic analysis and presentation tools * Learn more about oceanographic features JOA Note ```````` * JOA's tool set is described more comprehensively in the JOA User Guide DPO Chapter 6 Sections `````````````````````` DPO JOA examples are available for the following **emphasized** sections: .. list-table:: :widths: 10, 90 * - 6.1 - Oceanographic sampling * - 6.2 - Observational error * - 6.3 - Basic statistical concepts * - 6.3.1 - Mean, variance, standard deviation and standard error * - 6.3.2 - Probability density function * - 6.3.3 - Covariance, auto-covariance, integral time scale, degrees of freedom and confidence intervals * - 6.3.4 - Least squares analysis * - 6.4 - Variation in space: profiles, vertical sections and horizontal maps * - 6.4.1 - Variation in the vertical direction * - - Sampling * - - Vertical profiles * - - Vertical sections * - 6.4.2 - Variation in the horizontal direction * - 6.5 - Variation in time * - 6.5.1 - Time series data display * - 6.5.2 - Velocity (vector) data time-series analysis * - 6.5.3 - Spectral analysis * - 6.5.4 - Filtering data * - 6.6 - Multi-dimensional sampling * - 6.6.1 - Multi-dimensional time series data and empirical orthogonal functions * - 6.6.2 - Climatologies and atlases * - 6.7 - Water property (water mass) analyses * - 6.7.1 - Analysis using two characteristics, e.g. (–S, S–O2 * - 6.7.2 - Volumetric (-S characteristics of ocean waters * - 6.7.3 - Optimum multiparameter analysis (OMP) * - 6.8 - Glossary