Chapter Seven ============= Dynamical processes for descriptive ocean circulation ----------------------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: 7a 7b .. admonition:: Data files supplied for Chapter 7 exercises * WOA09_decimated_Pacific.joa * WOA98_heavydeci_Pacific.poa * WOA05_decimated_Arctic.joa * WOA05_decimated_Atlantic.joa * WOA05_decimated_Indian.joa * WOA05_decimated_Southern.joa * WOA98_heavydeci_Atlantic.poa * WOA98_heavydeci_Indian.poa Download: :download:`Chapter 7 Data Files <./DPO_data_chapter_7.7z>` Goals ````` * Map the dynamic topography of ocean regions To accomplish this, one will ```````````````````````````` * Open a WOA09 data file * Configure map plots to display topography * Customize plots Tools ````` * JOA built in parameter calculator DPO Chapter 7 Sections `````````````````````` DPO JOA examples are available for the following **emphasized** sections: .. list-table:: :widths: 10, 90 * - 7.1 - Introduction: mechanisms * - 7.2 - Momentum balance * - 7.2.1 - Acceleration and advection * - 7.2.2 - Pressure gradient force and gravitational force * - 7.2.3 - Rotation: centrifugal and Coriolis forces * - 7.2.4 - Viscous force or dissipation * - - Molecular viscosity * - - Eddy viscosity * - 7.2.5 - Mathematical expression of momentum balance * - 7.3 - Temperature, salinity and density evolution * - 7.3.1 - Temperature, salinity and density equations * - 7.3.2 - Molecular and eddy diffusivity * - 7.4 - Mixing layers * - 7.4.1 - Surface mixed layer * - 7.4.2 - Bottom mixed layers * - 7.4.3 - Internal mixing layers * - 7.5 - Response to wind forcing * - 7.5.1 - Inertial currents * - 7.5.2 - Langmuir circulation * - 7.5.3 - Ekman layers * - 7.5.4 - Ekman transport convergence and wind stress curl * - 7.5.5 - Observations of Ekman response and wind forcing * - 7.6 - Geostrophic balance * - 7.6.1 - Pressure gradient force and Coriolis force balance * - 7.6.2 - Geopotential and dynamic height anomalies and reference level velocities * - 7.6.3 - Dynamic topography and sea surface height maps * - 7.6.4 - A two-layer ocean * - 7.7 - Vorticity, potential vorticity, Rossby and Kelvin waves, and instabilities * - 7.7.1 - Vorticity * - 7.7.2 - Potential vorticity * - 7.7.3 - Rossby waves * - 7.7.4 - Rossby deformation radius and Rossby wave dispersion relation * - 7.7.5 - Instability of geostrophic ocean currents * - 7.7.6 - Kelvin waves * - 7.8 - Wind-driven circulation: Sverdrup balance and western boundary currents * - 7.8.1 - Sverdrup balance * - 7.8.2 - Stommel’s solution: westward intensification and western boundary currents * - 7.8.3 - Munk’s solution: western boundary currents * - 7.8.4 - Fofonoff's solution: large-scale inertial currents * - 7.8.5 - Wind-driven circulation in a stratified ocean * - 7.9 - Wind-driven circulation: eastern boundary currents and equatorial circulation * - 7.9.1 - Coastal upwelling and eastern boundary currents * - 7.9.2 - Near-surface equatorial currents and Bjerknes feedback * - 7.10 - Buoyancy (thermohaline) forcing and abyssal circulation * - 7.10.1 - Buoyancy loss processes (diapycnal downwelling) * - 7.10.2 - Diapycnal upwelling (buoyancy gain) * - 7.10.3 - Stommel and Arons' solution: abyssal circulation and Deep Western Boundary Currents * - 7.10.4 - Thermohaline oscillators: Stommel's solution * - 7.1 - Introduction: mechanisms * - 7.2 - Momentum balance * - 7.2.1 - Acceleration and advection * - 7.2.2 - Pressure gradient force and gravitational force * - 7.2.3 - Rotation: centrifugal and Coriolis forces * - 7.2.4 - Viscous force or dissipation * - - Molecular viscosity * - - Eddy viscosity * - 7.2.5 - Mathematical expression of momentum balance * - 7.3 - Temperature, salinity and density evolution * - 7.3.1 - Temperature, salinity and density equations * - 7.3.2 - Molecular and eddy diffusivity * - 7.4 - Mixing layers * - 7.4.1 - Surface mixed layer * - 7.4.2 - Bottom mixed layers * - 7.4.3 - Internal mixing layers * - 7.5 - Response to wind forcing * - 7.5.1 - Inertial currents * - 7.5.2 - Langmuir circulation * - 7.5.3 - Ekman layers * - 7.5.4 - Ekman transport convergence and wind stress curl * - 7.5.5 - Observations of Ekman response and wind forcing * - 7.6 - Geostrophic balance * - 7.6.1 - Pressure gradient force and Coriolis force balance * - 7.6.2 - Geopotential and dynamic height anomalies and reference level velocities * - 7.6.3 - Dynamic topography and sea surface height maps * - 7.6.4 - A two-layer ocean * - 7.7 - Vorticity, potential vorticity, Rossby and Kelvin waves, and instabilities * - 7.7.1 - Vorticity * - 7.7.2 - Potential vorticity * - 7.7.3 - Rossby waves * - 7.7.4 - Rossby deformation radius and Rossby wave dispersion relation * - 7.7.5 - Instability of geostrophic ocean currents * - 7.7.6 - Kelvin waves * - 7.8 - Wind-driven circulation: Sverdrup balance and western boundary currents * - 7.8.1 - Sverdrup balance * - 7.8.2 - Stommel’s solution: westward intensification and western boundary currents * - 7.8.3 - Munk’s solution: western boundary currents * - 7.8.4 - Fofonoff's solution: large-scale inertial currents * - 7.8.5 - Wind-driven circulation in a stratified ocean * - 7.9 - Wind-driven circulation: eastern boundary currents and equatorial circulation * - 7.9.1 - Coastal upwelling and eastern boundary currents * - 7.9.2 - Near-surface equatorial currents and Bjerknes feedback * - 7.10 - Buoyancy (thermohaline) forcing and abyssal circulation * - 7.10.1 - Buoyancy loss processes (diapycnal downwelling) * - 7.10.2 - Diapycnal upwelling (buoyancy gain) * - 7.10.3 - Stommel and Arons' solution: abyssal circulation and Deep Western Boundary Currents * - 7.10.4 - Thermohaline oscillators: Stommel's solution