Chapter Six Supplement ====================== Instruments and Methods ----------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: s6a s6b s6c .. admonition:: Data files supplied for Chapter S6 exercises * A16_2003_2005_clean_bottle.joa * A16_2003_2005_decimated_clean_CTD.joa * A16_2003_2005_undecimated_CTD.joa * A16S_2005_sta085_bottle.joa * A16S_2005_sta085_ctd.joa * WOA05_to_match_A16S_2005_sta085.joa * WOA05_A16.joa * A16S_2005_undecimated__clean_CTD.joa * A16N_2003_undecimated__clean_CTD.joa Download: :download:`Chapter S6 Data Files <./DPO_data_chapter_S6.7z>` Goals ````` * Compare CTD and bottle T, S, O2, sigma-0 * Compare a single profile (South Atlantic) * Compare an entire section To accomplish this, one will ```````````````````````````` * Use and analyze from various sources: * Bottle casts * CTD casts * Statistically-compiled multi-year average data WOA05 * Explore differences in depiction of: * Ocean temperature * Salinity * Dissolved oxygen * Density * Analyze three data types at one location (one profile per data type) * Analyze vertical section plots from three data types DPO Chapter S6 Sections ``````````````````````` DPO JOA examples are available for the following **emphasized** sections: .. list-table:: :widths: 10, 90 * - S6.1 - Introduction * - S6.1 - The impact of space and time scales on sampling and instrumentation * - S6.2 - Platforms * - S6.2.1 - Ocean research vessels * - S6.2.2 - Propulsion and maneuverability * - S6.2.3 - Winches, wires and support systems * - S6.2.4 - Workspaces: Dry labs and wet labs * - S6.2.5 - Navigation (also section S6.9.13.2) * - S6.2.6 - Alternative Sampling Platforms * - S6.2.6.1 - Aircraft * - S6.2.6.2 - Ships of Opportunity * - S6.2.6.3 - Special sampling platforms: FLIP * - S6.3 - Depth and pressure measurements * - S6.4 - Water property measurements (temperature, salinity, density and tracers) * - S6.4.1 - Water-sampling bottles * - S6.4.2 - Temperature measurement * - S6.4.2.1 - Sea surface temperature * - S6.4.2.2 - Mercury reversing thermometers * - S6.4.2.3 - Conductivity, temperature and depth profiler (CTD) * - S6.4.2.4 - Mechanical Bathythermograph (MBT) * - S6.4.2.5 - Expendable bathythermograph (XBT) and expendable CTD (XCTD) * - S6.4.2.6 - Subsurface temperature measurements from floating and moored instruments * - S6.4.3 - Salinity Measurement * - S6.4.3.1 - Salinity measurements using titration * - S6.4.3.2 - Salinity measurements using conductivity * - S6.4.3.3 - Salinity measurements using refractive index * - S6.4.3.4 - Standard Seawater * - S6.4.4 - Density measurement * - S6.4.5 - Other water properties * - S6.5 - Current measurements * - S6.5.1 - Lagrangian methods for surface currents * - S6.5.2 - Lagrangian methods for subsurface currents * - S6.5.3 - Lagrangian methods employing tracers * - S6.5.4 - Eulerian current measurement: mechanical sensors * - S6.5.5 - Eulerian methods: acoustic and electromagnetic current meters * - S6.5.5.1 - Acoustic current measurements * - S6.5.5.2 - Electrical and magnetic field current measurements * - S6.5.6 - Mooring technology * - S6.5.6.1 - Subsurface current meter moorings * - S6.5.6.2 - Deep-sea surface moorings * - S6.5.6.3 - Large moored buoy programs * - S6.6 - Acoustic methods for observing changes in temperature or density * - S6.6.1 - Acoustic tomography * - S6.6.2 - Inverted Echo Sounder (IES) * - S6.7 - Sea-level measurement * - S6.8 - Radiation and optical measurements * - S6.9 - Satellites * - S6.9.1 - Satellite remote sensing * - S6.9.2 - Satellite orbits * - S6.9.3 - Sensor types * - S6.9.4 - SEASAT * - S6.9.5 - Sea surface temperature from satellite remote sensing * - S6.9.6 - Sea surface salinity * - S6.9.7 - Sea ice * - S6.9.8 - The Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) and SeaWiFS * - S6.9.9 - Sea surface height: satellite altimetry * - S6.9.10 - Wave height and direction * - S6.9.11 - Wind speed and direction: scatterometry * - S6.9.12 - Other satellite sensors and derived products * - S6.9.13 - Satellite communications and navigation * - S6.9.13.1 - Satellite communication * - S6.9.13.2 - Satellite navigation * - S6.10 - Data archives and data centers