Descriptive Physical Oceanography JOA Examples ============================================== .. figure:: images/frontpage.jpg The oceanographic research vessel Roger Revelle (UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography) off Antarctica. Get JOA ------- * Go to the `JOA Application `_ tab for instructions, links, and tips on getting and using Java OceanAtlas. .. important:: Remember to COPY the Java OceanAtlas Application and support files to your hard drive to complete the installation process. Use the Data Files ------------------ * The introduction to each chapter will have a link for that chapter's data files. * You can also go to the Data Files page to copy files to your work area. You can access the Data Files page using the black navigation bar above. * Data files can be opened from within JOA. With JOA open, go to the File menu, and select Open…. Select the file. Navigate DPO JOA Examples ------------------------- * Go to the DPO JOA Examples chapter list. * Select the chapter you would like to work on. * Use the navigation bar at left to navigate within or between chapters. Authors ------- * **Lynne D. Talley**, *Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, UCSD*, La Jolla, CA, USA * **George L. Pickard**, *U. of British Columbia*, Vancouver, BC, Canada * **William J. Emery**, *University of Colorado*, Boulder, CO, USA * **James H. Swift**, *Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, UCSD*, La Jolla, CA, USA Contributors to the DPO JOA Examples ```````````````````````````````````` * Carolina Berys * Irene Chan * Roxanne Lee * Matthew Shen Also with ````````` * Andrew Barna * Theresa Calderon * Jessicah Morison * Andrew Shen .. admonition:: Full citation information :class: seealso Talley, L. D., Pickard, G. L., Emery, W. J., & Swift, J. H., 2011. Descriptive Physical Ocean: An Introduction (6th ed.), Elsevier, Oxford, U.K. .. warning:: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior writtenpermission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier's Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone (+44) (0) 1865 843830; fax (+44) (0) 1865 853333; email: Alternatively, visit the Science and Technology Books website at for further information .. toctree:: :glob: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: background/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_1/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_S1/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_2/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_3/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_4/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_5/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_6/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_S6/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_7/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_S7/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_8/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_S8/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_9-14/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_9/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_10/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_11/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_12/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_13/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_14/index dpo_joa_examples/chapter_S15/index data_files glossary