Other Data Files#


The GEochemical Ocean SECtions Study during 1972-78 occupied 454 stations throughout the World Ocean for the purpose of collecting measurements of the “geochemical properties of the oceans with respect to large-scale circulation problems”. GEOSECS marks the first deep water use of the Neil Brown CTD and the development of many of the present-day analytic techniques used in seawater analyses. We have assembled a few hydrographic sections from this global program.

TTO Atlantic Set#

The objectives of the Transient Tracers in the Ocean North Atlantic Study (1981) and Tropical Atlantic Study (1982-1983) were to collect sections of profiles of hydrographic and geochemical tracers, both natural and anthropogenic, to study the large scale circulation and ventilation of the North and tropical Atlantic Ocean. We have assembled several hydrographic sections from this program.

SAVE Atlantic Set#

The South Atlantic Ventilation Experiment (1987-1988) was a follow on to the Transient Tracers in the Ocean program North Atlantic Study. The objective in this case was to collect sections of profiles of hydrographic and geochemical tracers, both natural and anthropogenic, to study the large scale circulation and ventilation of the South Atlantic Ocean. We have assembled hydrographic sections from this program.

Pre-WOCE Basin Scale Sections#

During the time the original OceanAtlas applications were distributed, some of the best of the pre-WOCE basin scale hydrographic sections were assembled and translated into OceanAtlas format. Although the high-resolution WOCE Hydrographic Program, CLIVAR Repeat Hydrography, and GO-SHIP sections cover a greater portion of the World Ocean, and although those data are generally of higher resolution and contain measurements of additional water properties, many of these earlier sections retain significant value, both for comparison with WHP data and on their own as excellent sections. We present a selection of these pre-WOCE sections via a graphic interface. (A few of the pre-WOCE sections were adopted by WOCE and so appear as both pre-WOCE and WOCE data.)


A selection of Arctic Ocean and Nordic Sea sections (CTD and bottle data) from various expeditions beginning in 1982.


The oxygen and nutrient data in this copy of the original JOA “Other Data Files” collection are often in volume units (numerically only ≈2.6% adjustment for nutrients but a factor of ≈45x for dissolved oxygen). To go from O2 in ml/l to O2 in μmol/kg multiply by 44.660 and divide by density in CGS. [There is a small issue regarding what density to use, but it gets buried in the decimal place weeds. It is best to use sigma-0, i.e. (1000 + sigma0)/1000 in CGS.] To go from nutrients in μmol/l to μmol/kg divide by density in CGS. Use sigma-0 for the nutrient conversion. See the document O2 in volume units to O2 in mass units for instructions on how to use JOA to convert oxygen and nutrient data from volume units to mass units, required for direct comparisons with data from cruises where those parameters are expressed in mass units.