Chapter Six Supplement¶
Instruments and Methods¶
Data files supplied for Chapter S6 exercises
Download: Chapter S6 Data Files
Compare CTD and bottle T, S, O2, sigma-0
Compare a single profile (South Atlantic)
Compare an entire section
To accomplish this, one will¶
Use and analyze from various sources:
Bottle casts
CTD casts
Statistically-compiled multi-year average data WOA05
Explore differences in depiction of:
Ocean temperature
Dissolved oxygen
Analyze three data types at one location (one profile per data type)
Analyze vertical section plots from three data types
DPO Chapter S6 Sections¶
DPO JOA examples are available for the following emphasized sections:
S6.1 |
Introduction |
S6.1 |
The impact of space and time scales on sampling and instrumentation |
S6.2 |
Platforms |
S6.2.1 |
Ocean research vessels |
S6.2.2 |
Propulsion and maneuverability |
S6.2.3 |
Winches, wires and support systems |
S6.2.4 |
Workspaces: Dry labs and wet labs |
S6.2.5 |
Navigation (also section S6.9.13.2) |
S6.2.6 |
Alternative Sampling Platforms |
S6.2.6.1 |
Aircraft |
S6.2.6.2 |
Ships of Opportunity |
S6.2.6.3 |
Special sampling platforms: FLIP |
S6.3 |
Depth and pressure measurements |
S6.4 |
Water property measurements (temperature, salinity, density and tracers) |
S6.4.1 |
Water-sampling bottles |
S6.4.2 |
Temperature measurement |
S6.4.2.1 |
Sea surface temperature |
S6.4.2.2 |
Mercury reversing thermometers |
S6.4.2.3 |
Conductivity, temperature and depth profiler (CTD) |
S6.4.2.4 |
Mechanical Bathythermograph (MBT) |
S6.4.2.5 |
Expendable bathythermograph (XBT) and expendable CTD (XCTD) |
S6.4.2.6 |
Subsurface temperature measurements from floating and moored instruments |
S6.4.3 |
Salinity Measurement |
S6.4.3.1 |
Salinity measurements using titration |
S6.4.3.2 |
Salinity measurements using conductivity |
S6.4.3.3 |
Salinity measurements using refractive index |
S6.4.3.4 |
Standard Seawater |
S6.4.4 |
Density measurement |
S6.4.5 |
Other water properties |
S6.5 |
Current measurements |
S6.5.1 |
Lagrangian methods for surface currents |
S6.5.2 |
Lagrangian methods for subsurface currents |
S6.5.3 |
Lagrangian methods employing tracers |
S6.5.4 |
Eulerian current measurement: mechanical sensors |
S6.5.5 |
Eulerian methods: acoustic and electromagnetic current meters |
S6.5.5.1 |
Acoustic current measurements |
S6.5.5.2 |
Electrical and magnetic field current measurements |
S6.5.6 |
Mooring technology |
S6.5.6.1 |
Subsurface current meter moorings |
S6.5.6.2 |
Deep-sea surface moorings |
S6.5.6.3 |
Large moored buoy programs |
S6.6 |
Acoustic methods for observing changes in temperature or density |
S6.6.1 |
Acoustic tomography |
S6.6.2 |
Inverted Echo Sounder (IES) |
S6.7 |
Sea-level measurement |
S6.8 |
Radiation and optical measurements |
S6.9 |
Satellites |
S6.9.1 |
Satellite remote sensing |
S6.9.2 |
Satellite orbits |
S6.9.3 |
Sensor types |
S6.9.4 |
S6.9.5 |
Sea surface temperature from satellite remote sensing |
S6.9.6 |
Sea surface salinity |
S6.9.7 |
Sea ice |
S6.9.8 |
The Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) and SeaWiFS |
S6.9.9 |
Sea surface height: satellite altimetry |
S6.9.10 |
Wave height and direction |
S6.9.11 |
Wind speed and direction: scatterometry |
S6.9.12 |
Other satellite sensors and derived products |
S6.9.13 |
Satellite communications and navigation |
S6.9.13.1 |
Satellite communication |
S6.9.13.2 |
Satellite navigation |
S6.10 |
Data archives and data centers |